Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Cutting 6mm MDF

6 mm MDF (900X 600) bought at Square House cost AUD 7.77. I use the Lab laser cut machine to cut it in (600 X 300) for the VLS 3.50 so it have three pieces.

I am not so sure which type is MDF so i choose the medium wood. Error occur as in box board, it seems have the limit for Wood too.

So 6.35 mm is the maximum for medium wood....

In other to make sure it can cut through +0.5mm will apply to any material. Therefore it will be the same in this MDF situation however for now its limit is 6.35mm, it will be still risky to cut in this setting so i try manual.

Setting successfully through:

Power: 100%
Speed: 1.7%
DPI: 500
Z-Axis: 6.5mm

\  I am not sure is the laser type different to the square house lab.  In the lab i can cut the same MDF by 3.7% speed. But in VLS 3.50 feels pushing the machine so much already.

It looks really scare when it is cutting the flame is in maximum and burn so much. I found out that when we cutting next to the exhaust hole the flame will suck towards the hole so it burn more on the surface of the material.

The 1st four rows are using 3.7 % speed and close to the exhaust hole. Frame marks are dramatic. It do reduce at the middle sections.

You can see the differences of  3.7% ( the 1st four rows) and 1.7% (bottom four rows). The rectangular hole i draw at 3.7% setting not even drop out.

However, the 1.7% speed still not really perfectly cut through but in this situation just use a cutter slightly cut a bit it is happily come out.

I am not suggest to cut lower than 1.7% due to lower the speed longer the frame burn the surface material. Unless you have the protection material at lab (in that case i prefer cut at lab).

I suggest next time we can try DPI in 1000 that may help to cut through.

I did talk to Lab manager Anthony about this, he suggest the power different between starting cut the file and at the end. Also the material will vary a bit. However he said MDF not really vary much.


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